What is the Data Portal
The data portal provides access to descriptive and outcome data about TAY who are currently or were previously in foster care. These data facilitate a deeper understanding of ongoing TAY involvement with the child welfare system and other public institutions, thereby supporting individuals who are working to improve outcomes for TAY.
Why Use the Data Portal
The data portal provides ongoing access to, and dynamic reports on:
- information on entries to out-of-home care for youth age 18 to 20;
- point-in-time estimates of the number of youth age 18 to 21 who have an open child welfare or probation supervised placement and their living arrangements; and
- employment and education outcomes among TAY who were in out-of-home care.
Refer to these slide decks for more details on how and why to use the Data Portal.
Slide deck 1: TAY-Hub Launch
Slide deck 2: Employment Outcomes
Slide deck 3: Counties Matter
Current data extract (unless otherwise noted): Q4 2023
- Entries: Entries to Foster Care (Age 18 to 20 Years)
- In Care: In Care—Point In Time Count (Age 18 to 21 Years)
TAY Cumulative Employment Status by Age: TAY in out-of-home care at some point Age 16-17 who turned 18 during the year: Employment status by Age
TAY Quarters Employed by Age: TAY in out-of-home care at some point Age 16-17 who turned 18 during the year: Quarters Employed by Age
TAY Enrollment Status by Age: TAY in out-of-home care at some point Age 16-17 who turned 18 during the year: Postsecondary education enrollment by Age
Data Portal in Action
The TAY-Hub reports are an excellent resource to support counties and community-based organizations in making more accurate projections concerning the types of programs and services that will best support the well-being of transition aged youth. Better projections means better-fit services, and that can translate into better outcomes for TAY.
~ Wendy Wiegmann, Project Director, California Child Welfare Indicators Project, University of California, Berkeley